案例分类 CASE |
政府机关Government agencies |
五金卫浴Hardware / Sanitary ware |
家用电器Household Appliances |
通讯电子Communications / Electronics |
服饰珠宝Dress Jewelry |
日化用品Day of Supplies |
照明电工Lighting / Electrician |
能源化工Energy / Chemical Industry |
食品饮料Foods and Drinks |
文化教育Culture / Education |
金融保险Financial Insurance |
医疗卫生Medical Health |
交通运输Transportation |
机械制造Machinofacture |
酒店餐饮hotel & Catering |
喷绘Spurts draws |
写真Photo printing |
热转印Thermal transfer |
数码直喷Digital Printing |
UV打印UV Printing |
首页> Home > 关于韦邦 About us> 商业道具中心 Commercial props |
+ 公司简介 + 商业道具中心 + 图文制作中心 + 工作机会 |
+ Introduction + Commercial props + Printing workshop + Job |
Company are built with more than 6000 square props production workshop, has a variety of professional equipment and advanced production line of woodworking, hardware, sculpture, sheet metal, plastic spraying, painting, organic process at an organic whole,have commercial props from research and development, the design to production on all aspects of the experts and professionals, to fully guarantee the quality of the whole construction process and accurate delivery.
Company are built with more than 6000 square props production workshop, has a variety of professional equipment and advanced production line of woodworking, hardware, sculpture, sheet metal, plastic spraying, painting, organic process at an organic whole,have commercial props from research and development, the design to production on all aspects of the experts and professionals, to fully guarantee the quality of the whole construction process and accurate delivery.